Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Power of Silence

Lake Superior, turbulent again, as she rushes from the southwest to the west and rises with the wind. Good, long rain last night so fire danger has been lowered. How grateful I am for the song she sings each day. To be in silence in her presence. To absorb the energy through all of my senses. A Gift beyond measure.

Last week, I spoke on a radio program and the host asked me to read several of my poems. I found that I missed 'public' reading. Today, then, I share with you a poem befitting the theme.

And All the Rest Is Silence

Let time go by,
let suns rise,
and I'll still be here.
When the sky hugs
the returning geese,
I will still be here;
there will be no words,
just the embrace
of muted horizons,
a memory of wintry syllables
across the night sky.
There will be love,
just love,
and all the rest is silence.